Sunday 14 June 2009

Goodbye Freshers Year!

So I'm home from Uni...

and its kinda sad =( Although good to be back at the same time! And to not have the stress of packing. My mums face when she walked into my flat to see all my boxes and bin bags lined up along the edge of half our flat's corridor... I am very amazed that she managed to fit it all in the car! So all that's left now is to unpack! I took some pictures of the process of packing up my necklace collection, but can't find my camera lead, so I'll post them tomorrow.

Also tomorrow, need to pick up *something* from the post depot. My sister kept asking me what it is, but I honestly don't know as it could be any number of things... including new necklaces of course. And then head down to the haberdashery for diy delights! Yaaaaaaaay!

Speaking of my sister, she wanted to borrow a necklace tonight. So I cracked out my newly and very neatly organised collection, which she was quite impressed by. I quote: "You really need to stop. It's like an addiction..." To which I replied, "Everyone collects things!" My mother hasn't seen the collection yet, I'm keeping it quiet for the time being.


  1. You're right, we do all have collections. With 55 pairs of shoes age 22, I certainly understand! At least yours is organised though!

    I remember coming home after my first year at uni. A very strange feeling, if I remember correctly! Well done on doing a year! What uni?

  2. This is true. I think thats the only thing in my life that is organised... =)

    I'm at Leeds Uni, and yes it was very strange! Just how fast it has gone and worrying about how fast the next years will go!
